Differentiating Classroom Instruction

Description of Artifact: Differentiation Study Date: Spring 2024

Standards Addressed:

3C1: Understands the components and organization of an effective curriculum, is able to create aligned learning experiences, can locate national and state standards, and is able to align them to learning outcomes.

3C2: Understands how to select appropriate strategies for addressing individual student needs in meeting curriculum objectives.

2C1: Knows and identifies child/adolescent developmental stages and can apply them to students.

2C2: Demonstrates knowledge on how to assist students in setting short- and long-term learning goals and self-reflect on their overall growth.

2C3: Applies knowledge of learning theory in all aspects of instructional design.

2C4: Recognizes diversity and the impact it has on education.

2C5: Is able to plan lessons and activities to address student needs in order to positively impact learning.

2C6: Demonstrates understanding that instruction should be connected to students’ prior experiences and family, culture, and community.


Differentiation provides space for inclusivity and equity. This necessary addition to the learning environment acknowledges the unique needs and strengths of each student, ensuring that every learner has access to meaningful instruction tailored to their individuality. The differentiation study allowed exploration of the transformative impact of intentional lesson design in fostering academic growth, socio-emotional development, and a security in learning spaces. Through this study, I mostly valued the practice of identifying differentiation I was already doing but might not have known how to recognize it. In teaching dance, my goal is always to disseminate information in an accessible and digestible way. I also learned that sometimes too much choice can be overwhelming and that there is and should be a strategy and intention behind the implementation of differentiation in lesson design.

Differentiation Study
Accommodations Spreadsheet 23-24
Writing About Dance