Professional Development

Description of Artifact: Log of Professional Development Completed Date: 23-24 School Year

Standards Addressed:

7C6: Demonstrates a capacity to engage in a collaborative classroom /department/school data analysis process

7C5: Can explain ethical and legal implications of confidentiality of student records and describes strategies to communicate student progress to students, families, colleagues and administrators.

9C1: Understands the importance of collegial activities in building a shared mission, vision, values and goals, participates in collaborative curriculum and staff development meetings and demonstrates the ability to collaborate with his/her cooperating teacher and supervisor to establish relationships in the school, district and community.

9C2: Understands school-based systems designed to address the individual needs of students by working with the cooperating teacher/ supervisor to engage with the larger professional community across the system to identify and provide needed services to support individual learners.

9C3: Recognizes the importance of developing relationships and cooperative partnerships with students, families and community members to support students’ learning and well-being.


I firmly believe that prioritizing wellness and a commitment to continued education are integral components of professional growth and effectiveness as an educator. By investing in our own well-being and ongoing learning, we not only enrich our own lives but also create a positive ripple effect that extends to our students, colleagues, and communities. As I continue on my own journey, I am committed to nurturing my own wellness, pursuing excellence in my content area, and inspiring my students to do the same. I unfortunately experienced a lot of sacrifice and struggle this year in order to "get this bag" as the kids say and I... 10/10 do not recommend and will never allow myself to do this again. But, HEY! I learned to really lean into my why - I love dance, I love teaching, and I grew to love the community that was there to catch me when I felt I wasn't able to show up as my best self. This year has taught me that I'm worth my own well-being at the end of the day and that I value myself as an artist enough to continue to water and grow that person so that my students get the best me. That being said, content specific PD is something I will be going to bat for in my next year with this district and I will do a much better job at setting boundaries with my job and taking care of myself.

PD Log